Tips on how to work efficiently with a large set of Business Rules

Organizing and managing business rules efficiently is crucial for productivity and success. One effective way to achieve this is by exporting folders along with their contents. This process allows you to bundle and transfer multiple business rules conveniently, making it easier to share, back up, or migrate. In this article, we will explore the concept of exporting folders and discuss the benefits it offers.

Michal Roman
Fullstack Developer
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Exporting a folder with business rules inside can be useful for several reasons, such as:

  • Backing up business rules. This can be crucial in case of a disaster or if you need to revert to a previous version of your business rules.
  • Sharing business rules with others. For collaborating or training new employees on how to use your business rules.
  • Moving business rules to a different environment. Development, testing, or production environments.

The Convenience of Exporting Folders

Many of us already experienced the process of selecting each rule individually and exporting them to a new space. This method is not only time-consuming but also prone to human error. We think there has to be a better way.

One of the primary advantages of exporting a folder with rules is the convenience it offers. Instead of individually selecting and transferring each rule, you can simply export the entire folder, saving time and effort. This is particularly useful when you have a large number of rules or complex folder structures.

By exporting the folder as a whole, you ensure that all the necessary rules and their relationships are preserved. This makes it easier to locate specific rules and as well enhances accessibility, saving valuable time that would otherwise be wasted searching for individual rules.

The folder to export contains rules that have connections or dependencies with other rules located outside of the folder. Such dependencies might be crucial for the proper functioning of the rules, and exporting the folder without considering these dependencies could lead to errors or issues. If that is the case DR warns you about it, so before the export, you can go to the rule detail and sort everything out.

Possible errors

  • Rule not in folder - exported rule has a dependency outside of the exported folder
  • Rule not found - rule with the identifier (id, alias) was not found
  • Duplicity id / alias - more rules with the same identifier (id, alias)

Preserving Folder Hierarchy and its Content

When you export a folder with rules, the rule hierarchy is preserved. This means that the folder structure, including subfolders and their respective rules, remains intact. This ensures that the exported business rules can be easily organized and identified, even after being transferred to another space or environment. 

Import Folder

To import a folder, follow the same steps as when importing a rule.


Exporting folders containing business rules is a simple yet powerful technique that can greatly improve your working efficiency. The export/import function will allow you to maintain the integrity of your rule structures, simplify collaboration and enhance your workflow efficiency. This feature ensures that rules are easily accessible and reduces the time spent on managing them.  A more detailed guide can be found in our extensive documentation. Let us know your feedback on what you like and what you would like added.

Thank you for reading!

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