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Un Motor de Reglas ágil para cualquier industria

DecisionRules te ayuda a acelerar los procesos diarios en los sectores de los servicios financieros, seguros, comercio electrónico, logística, cuidados médicos y más.
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Better Cooperation

Even if you have multiple teams and omnichannel applications, you will keep all your rules in one place. You will see all your changes and will be able to easily switch to previous versions of the rules.

No Dependency on IT

Our user interface is easy to understand for business people. Rule changes can be done with a couple of clicks. You are not dependent on IT, just update a rule and that's it.

Short Time to Market

Designing rules will not take you longer than putting together an Excel sheet and testing is instant. When you are ready, you can deploy your rule to production in a single click.

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The world of smart decision making is waiting to welcome you.