DecisionRules in action

Eager to see some real-life application of DecisionRules? You finally can! We are introducing DecisionRules Sample Applications.

Jaroslav Spac
Desarrollador Frontend
Casos de Uso
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Your daily business requires immediate reactions to the market and quick response to your clients. This requires calculations performed on the fly, with simple maintenance and proper interpretation. You will manage all of this with the DecisionRules engine. To prove it, we are coming with full functional examples for you, just GO and TEST it on your own!

Sample applications: what to expect?

Our sample application is an interactive demo using the capabilities of DecisionRules which makes it easier to imagine the possible scope of applications of our rule engine. You can try it in one minute and see how the app works together with DecisionRules in real time.

All available sample applications can be found at

Travel Insurance Sample

Our first sample application is a simple travel insurance calculator.

This application simulates the process of price calculation based on input data from the client which can be followed by a payment gateway to finalize the purchase. All prices of individual travel insurance packages are calculated in real time based on a low-code DecisionRules setup. The setup consists of several simple rules that can be managed by business people and changed without any knowledge of coding (it is similar to changing values in an Excel sheet). Deployments of changes in the calculations are not subjected to any releases and can be done immediately.

In the following, let us briefly describe how the Travel Insurance Sample application works.

The client input

The sample application contains a simple form where clients can select time, destination, type of travel, activities and number of persons with their respective ages. After all, these are the typical variables entering the travel insurance calculation. Note that any time one of the inputs is changed, the real-time calculation in DecisionRules is triggered and immediately responds with the calculated prices of the individual packages.

Rule definitions

The price calculation in DecisionRules is designed with the use of RuleFlow which includes several rules of different types (DecisionTables, DecisionTrees, ScriptingRules). Each rule has its own particular role in the calculation of the final insurance price. The calculation is based on so-called risk factors, which are numbers between 0 and 1 specifying the level of risk implied by the input data. There are several risk factors like the region risk factor, age risk factor, etc. After estimating all of the individual risk factors subject to some conditions, they are added up and used in the final price calculation.

The output

The overall risk factor enters a predetermined formula that establishes the final price of the travel insurance for the client. DecisionRules performs the whole computation and sends back the output, containing the price, in a split of a second. The application then shows the price to the client (and to you).

Interested? Looking for more?

Find out more about how the DecisionRules can help your business on our site or Linked In.
You can also discuss your use case and the capability of DecisionRules with our experts.
Feel free to contact our sales team or book a demo.

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